To change or not to change- that is not the question!


Partners find more and more shortcomings in each other at a set rate as their relationship develops, whether they like it or not. It is ok! All people on Earth are different, we have various worldviews and habits. A person's opinion about life is laid from childhood, depending on his/her upbringing and environment. There are a lot of debates and even quarrels against the background of contrary views. But as is often the case with these things, people can not find a compromise in such situations. Partners begin to objectify each other. Men and women are trying to alter their beloved according to their own interests. Usually it comes to the point that we want to change the essence of another person!

You can try to adapt to the requirements of a partner, but this will mean not only giving up some habit, but also deeper changes. Internal discomfort and tension, problems with self-esteem and boundaries, merging with a partner and co-dependent relationships - all this contributes to a depressive state! For example, there are many stories when men demand from their women of an ideal appearance. Women agree to cosmetic procedures, surgical operations. Ladies change themselves beyond recognition, lose their individuality and bright personality!

Undoubtedly, we should listen to our partner- not only listen, but also hear and understand him or her. People may change thair behavior in case it is objectively undignified. One way or the other, the partners affect each other. But this should not go too far! Think about the reason your sweetheart is so zealously eager to remake you. Trust me, this kind of manipulative behavior is not your fault! Such behavior is based upon a low self-esteem and inferiority complexes.This is not sincere love, but the relationship in which you are a convenient toy. You are controlled, you are changed as if you have no choice and no rights!

When it comes down to your moral and physical harm- you should stop! You are to stop your partner and this toxic relationship. No one is worth your crippled mind and body, your tears and suffering! Remember it!