Anti-Scam Guide

Why you should read this guide?

This doesn't mean that you should be paranoid about every Slavic lady you meet via the Internet, as there are many honest Ukrainian women who are really seeking a serious relationship. We just want you to be aware of scammers and their tactics, so you will be able to expose them and succeed in the Internet dating without becoming their victim. Whether you are only considering the possibility of finding a Slavic wife, are in correspondence with a Slavic woman, or have already been scammed, we ask you to read this guide to find out how you can protect yourself from deceptive practices and be sure that a woman is genuinely interested in you and you are not just wasting your time, emotions, and money. 

The first and the most important rule is never to send any money to a woman you have not met.

Money issues

Remember that most swindlers are only interested in your money. You should be alerted if your potential partner frequently discusses financial questions with you. She may not ask for money directly but persistently mention her financial difficulties and small income. She may also explain her needs by the wish to improve your communication, for example, to pay for Internet access or English courses.

Some scammers are very inventive about hardships in their life. Don't rush to help her if someday she says that she have lost her job because she refused to sleep with her boss or her monthly salary was stolen when she was robbed in the street. She just wants you to feel pity for her… and send money. This is a classical tactic of a scammer. The scammer will communicate with you as long as you send money, when you stop sending she will disappear. Remember that Ukrainian and Russian women are usually very proud and modest to start such conversations about money themselves. 

Another old and simple scheme is when after regular and happy communication you receive information that a person in her family (mother, father, or a child) got seriously ill or injured in a terrible accident and needs large amount of money to pay for the necessary medical care or urgent surgery. This is to make you feel you are the one who can rescue the situation and make the poor girl happy... and send her money. 

Visa and travel issues

Actually, it is another scheme of getting money. Let's consider a typical scenario. After a short-term communication, your lady pretends that she felt in love with you (though you may really fell in love with her) and insists on visiting you in your country. She may suddenly have holidays or a discount offer from a travel agency. In this situation, you should tell her that you have a better idea and are going to visit her in her country even if you are not going to. For a scammer this means that no money will be sent, she will try to convince you of the contrary. Don't yield. If she has really fell in love with you, does it matter in what country to meet? If you agree, the scammer will ask you money for a visa and tickets.

Remember that if you wish to invite your lady to your country, it is you who should use services of a reputable travel agency to obtain visa for her and buy the air plane ticket. If you are dealing with a scammer, she will write that the air ticket would cost 2 or 3 times less if she would buy it in her country. She will also try to obtain visa herself and will need money to pay to a "a friend at the embassy" or something like this. We strongly recommend you to arrange everything by your own. If she doesn't come, you at least will be able to obtain a refund for the non-used ticket. Ask her about the agency she is dealing with and make some investigation. Make sure that the agency is licensed by appropriate government authority and accepts credit cards. If this agency uses other payment methods such as bank wires and Western Union, this is a bogus agency that doesn't exist. You will be unable to track back a fraudulent payment.

You should remember that often scammers make you feel uncomfortable about your being extra careful, asking for comprehensive information, and insisting on paying by your own. If a lady has serious intentions, she will not behave like this. She will not put pressure upon you and object to your decisions.

Now, when you know about money getting tactics, let's learn some warning signs that may testify you are dealing with a scammer.

Rushing relationship

Be cautious if your new acquaintance falls in love with you after several letters. It is too fast even if you are a great guy. She will probably acknowledge her intention to come to you country soon. Remember what we have told you about visa and ticket swindler tactics! Serious ladies usually need time to reflect upon meeting you and transferring relations from the Internet to the real life. Even if she seems genuine about her feelings, you have to know her really well before making such an important step. The main enemy of a swindler is time. We recommend you to be very patient during your correspondence and defer your meeting: the swindler has no time to wait and will disappear to catch another victim.

Communication manner

When searching for a life partner via the Internet, a serious woman usually wants to know maximum about him prior to personal meeting. Therefore, you should be careful if she shows no interest in your character and standard of living. i.e. work and level of income. If a woman is really interested in you, she will ask a lot to see whether you are a good match. A serious lady will not leave her country without being sure to find emotional and financial security for her future family. Ask her questions. Pay attention if her letters sound general or as replies to yours. A scammer usually does not personalize her letters; she never replies your questions and doesn't ask you anything. She typically sends maximum of standard letters to all the men with whom she is in correspondence.

Personal details

The contact information given to you is a good way to know whether you are about to be scammed or not. If there is no address or home telephone number where you can reach the lady, she is most probably a scammer. Be cautious if a lady gives you P.O. Box instead of her personal address, such a lady can disappear without leaving any traces.


Be careful if all the photos of your lady are made by professional photographer or she sends you several erotic photos in each letter. Ask your lady to send you a normal picture, not a modeling shot, i.e. photos recently made at home, at work, with family, etc. If she is unable to provide you with such photos - be cautious.

We paid your attention to the most common facts that determine scammers’ behavior. We hope that you will never meet any of them on our dating website.

If you have any questions or problems concerning scammers, please contact us.