First date? Just breathe!


Choose the right place for the first date! For the first meeting men often choose an expensive restaurant or something like that. They mistakenly think that this is the best possible solution. We are trying to impress our beloved. Choosing the most expensive establishment in the city, men try to show their credibility and often forget that such a place could be too fancy or too loud for a woman. Remember that the main point of a first date is just to communicate with each other, to see how well you connect. It is important not to miss the relaxing atmosphere of intimacy!

But be careful! Your first appointment should combine two these important points: 

  1. The place you choose should not be too simple, so that your girlfriend does not think that you are infantile, greedy or simply stupid. 
  2. On the other hand, remember that this place should not frame you and your lady. Restaurants, theaters, and other fancy ideas must tie you down, forcing you to behave in accordance with the rules of etiquette, dress up according to the dress code, etc.

What should you wear on a first date? Pick the clothes that will make you feel free. Don’t forget about the importance of the first impression. You should always put some effort into looking fresh. So, dear gentlemen, swap your sweatpants for a nice pair of trousers and an ironed shirt! In addition, as we already know, Slavic women devote a lot of time to their appearance. And even if you choose places that require casual outfits, Slavic girl will still try to dress up!

Finally, just relax and enjoy the communication with a new person! Take some deep breaths, listen to your favorite upbeat music before the meeting and turn your nerves into excitement! Remember that sometimes you fail and something goes wrong time to time. It is ok- all people have the right to make mistakes! You can not always do everything perfectly, but for someone your shortcomings will seem the most beautiful of yours dignity. The task of our agency is just to find you such a person!