Ukrainian folk doll


One of the main symbols of Ukrainian culture is a motanka doll. A motanka doll is one of the oldest symbols of Ukrainian culture. The time of its appearance is connected with the time of the onset of flax- almost 5000 years ago! People believed that such a doll protects them from troubles. Doll-motanka was endowed with magical properties. Ithas been played a significant role in rituals- everything that interfered with a person and what he or she wanted to get rid of, was invested and woven into motanka.Then people burned it symbolically! If a child is sick, then baby is given a motanka to play with. This way the disease receded faster. But after treatment this doll was destroyed!

There are three types of the doll-motanka: a baby, a woman, a bride.

  1. The doll-motanka of woman (usually a busty one) promised a lot of milk to her young mother. The doll of the guardian woman protected the wealth in the family. Inside the doll were coins, or grain, or wool. When a young girl got married, her mother gave her a winding doll with her to protect her new home. 
  2. At birth of the child, the Ukrainian people made the doll-motanka of baby. It was a baby in the nappy. 
  3. The doll-motanka of bride helped the girls to turn away the evil eye and support them.This doll was wealthy dressed and decorated because it symbolized the dowry of the bride and attracted the wealthy bachelor.

Folk dolls are made of wood, straw or clay. Usually dolls were made from various products that were on hand. Even cheese, corn and flour were used to make it! It is important that the doll is made from environmentally friendly materials! There were also very expensive dolls, made of amber, silver and even with an admixture of gold.
Now the toy manufacturing industry has expanded unrealistically, but the folk doll carries a special energy! That is why motanka are popular in our time!