Magical power of Ukrainian wreath


What immediately comes to your mind when you imagine a Ukrainian girl? What do you associate Ukrainian lady with? Of course, you immediately remember the image of a brown-haired beauty in an embroidered shirt and a wreath.

Since olden times, Ukrainian girls decorated themselves with different wreaths emphasizing their tenderness and gentleness. Interestingly, not only girls could decorate themselves with it, but it was also often used to decorate the home. The first mention of it was found by scientists during the excavation of Sumerian culture. This is the mythical attribute of the goddess Inna-Ishtar, which consists of a wreath woven from ribbons and a six-beamed star.

The flowers in the wreath were very diverse. Traditionally, it was possible to weave up 12 different flowers. The flowers were not chosen randomly, each flower had its own symbolic meaning. For example, a rose symbolizes sincere love. The cornflower meant simplicity, purity and frankness. The white lily, which embodied innocence, was, according to beliefs, the flower of the Virgin Mary. Mallow served as the main symbol of beauty. And in general, viburnum is a symbol of Ukraine. A periwinkle must be woven into the wedding wreath - it is a symbol of faithful and eternal love. Such a wreath is a wonderful talisman against an evil thought and eye. The orphan girl decorated her crown with blue ribbons. Their color and place in the wreath also had their meanings.

The Ukrainian wreath is a symbol of a peaceful, clear sky above the head of the one who wears it!